Keagan had quite the weekend with lots of "mishaps". It all started on Friday night, we were at Ross looking for some sandles for Keagan. Andrew was sitting Keagan down to try on a couple pairs of shoes when Andrew noticed some blood on his shorts. He then noticed that Keagan's hand was bleeding right where his wart is/was. It seemed as if his wart got caught on something and torn off and it started bleeding like crazy. Lots of toilet paper, applying preasure and two bandaids later, we finally had it under control.
Then came Saturday. After breakfast Andrew and Keagan went out to Anna's house (Andrew's sister) to pick up our seeds and starts to plant in our garden. They got back, I applied sunscreen on Keagan's arms, legs, face, neck and ears. I was so proud of myself for remembering sunscreen. We decided to have some lunch first. As we were going outside, the neighbor kids came over and we decided to get out some water toys. Keagan changed into his swimtrunks & took his shirt off. An hour or so later, Andrew and I looked at him and said to each other, did we put sunscreen on the rest of him? I immediatly got the sunscreen and put some on, but of course it was too late. That night, his shoulders, back and chest were quite red.
As for Sunday, we made it through the day without any mishaps until about 30 minutes before bedtime. We walked over to our other neighbor's house to see their new little baby boy and take them some treats. As we were leaving their house, Keagan decided he wanted to walk with his hands in his pockets. He then proceeded to trip and fall. Since his hands were in his pocket, he hit head first right on the concrete. We ended up carrying him home while he screamed. He now has quite the scratches, bumps and bruises on the left side of his face from his hairline, down to his cheekbone.
Poor kid. I really hope this is the end of it for a while. Just to document...Here are a few pictures of his sunburn (taken Sunday night) and his face (taken Monday morning).

Oh the poor little guy. It looks like it hurts. He is so cute!
poor little Kegan - But i love how he still smiled for the camers.
He is one tough cookie--it looks like he has been through a war, and yet he still has his smile!
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