After breakfast, Keagan couldn't wait to go outside and ride his bike. We managed to get him to wait for a little bit. After a little while, we called our next door neighbors, the Dallings, and Aislyn, who is 5, came over and Keagan and Aislyn rode bikes in our driveway for a while. After Keagan woke up from his nap, the first thing he said to me when I opened his door was "Can I go ride my bike more?". For dinner, we went to Carl's Jr. (it is really close to Andrew's work and has a playplace) some friends and family came as well. The kids had a good time playing in the playarea. Then, when Andrew came by for his dinner break, we had cake and ice cream and Keagan opened his last two presents. Our good friends, Dan and Angela gave Keagan a really cool seal that you hook up to a water hose and is shoots water out the top. I can't wait for some nice warm weather so we can get it out and play with it. Then Keagan Aunt Anna and Uncle Chris gave him an awesome Thomas the Train book.
When I asked Keagan what kind of cake he wanted, he told me he wanted a Gordon (from Thomas & Friends) cake. I thought, oh great. So I went to the Internet and found lots of good ideas. This is what Andrew and I came up with. We decided to make the Island of Sodor (where the trains live). We used two 9x13 cakes, frosted the majority white and put green sprinkles on for grass. Then we frosted the edge blue for the water. We made a tunnel using my Sister-in-law Matti's recipe for White Chocolate Popcorn (click on the link for the recipe) used milk chocolate chips so it would look more like dirt. I then piped on tracks, added Gordon and his coal car and ta-da. I am pretty pleased with how it turned out.
The birthday boy with his cake
Happy birthday from Uncle David, Aunt Leah, Olivia and Aubrey! We were going to call and sing yesterday, but time got away from us. We hope you had a wonderful day and keep riding that awesome bike! Love, Picanco Cousins
Happy Birthday Keagan!!!
Happy Birthday Keagan! Your first bike....WOW! Have a great time riding it this summer.
Happy Birthday Keagan. I cannot believe it has been 3 years since this little man decided to come to this world. Wow!!!
Happy Birthday Keegan! You look so grown up on that new bike. Here's to hoping there aren't going to be any scraped knees anytime soon.
Happy Birthday kiddo. We love you and are sorry we weren't able to be there for your birthday. We hope that you enjoy your seal.
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