On Friday, May 29, my little brother Neal graduated from Lincoln County High School. We drove down that day to spend time in my hometown of Caliente and attend Neal's graduation. On Saturday, we went on a 4 Wheeler & Rhino ride. Andrew and Keagan rode on the 4 Wheeler and my dad took Deker and I on the Rhino. Our ride was cut short because of the rain, but we had fun anyway.

On Sunday, my Mom & Dad, all my brothers & sisters and their families gathered in Heber City for a family reunion. Thanks to the generosity of my parents, we were able to stay in a big home all together. We had so much fun talking, visiting, eating yummy foods and trying out some of the fun things to do. That night, we all went for a walk. Here is a picture of our group.

On Monday we rode down the Alpine Slide. Keagan rode with me. I wasn't sure how he would like it, but he loved it. Thank you to Jeanette, for keeping Deker at the bottom so we could ride it together. That night, after the kids were in bed, we kicked out the boys and had a little baby shower for my sister Jeanette who is pregnant with twin girls.

On Wednesday we rode the Heber Valley Railroad. The train even stopped at Decker Bay, so we could take a picture of Deker next to the Decker Bay sign.

The rest of the time was spent playing on the playground, playing yard games and chatting.

I LOVE the Alpine slides. I used to go up there every summer. I'm sad we couldn't get together with you guys while you were here in Utah. It looks like you all had a great time!
How Fun! Family vacations rock.
It looks like you guys had a ball--I'm so glad it was a wonderful trip!
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