Friday, February 13, 2009

Valentine's Fun

We have been having lots of fun the past week doing fun things to celebrate Valentines Day, thanks to the wonderful ideas I found while searching the internet. On Saturday, we made sugar cookies (if you want the recipe, click here). I didn't think to take any pictures of it, but trust me, there were yummy. We have been having a great time eating them for snacks, treats, with our lunch or dinner, etc.
There have been a couple of evenings when Andrew has been at work that Keagan and I made Valentines day cards for Keagan's grandma's, grandpa's and daddy. We tried to keep it a secret from Daddy that we made them, but Keagan had so much fun, he couldn't contain himself and told Andrew as soon as he talked to him on the phone that night.
Another evening, we took candy canes that we had left over from Christmas and made them into a fun saying. We then left it out so that Daddy could see it when he got home from work late that night. I saw this idea on a great website called Make N Takes . You can also take two whole candy canes, put them together to make a heart, then you could also put a sucker stick in it to make a sucker.

All you have to do is unwrap the candy canes, break them up if you want and place them how you want them on a baking sheet lined with either parchment paper or sprayed with cooking spray. Put them in a 250 degree oven for 10 minutes (my first time I think I left it in for a little longer than 10 minutes and they flattened out, so watch them carefully starting at about 8 minutes). When they are pliable, take them out and shape and squeeze together how you want them.
Then on Thursday morning, I made heart shapped pancakes for Keagan and Andrew. They didn't turn out as good as I wanted them to, but I did have fun. I tinted by batter with red food colering then I used a squirt bottle (like the ketchup bottles at restaurants) to make the heart and then I tried to fill them in by scooping pancake batter into the center. I should have tried using my cookies cutters, but I didn't think of it at the time.
One last, non-valentines thing. Keagan, Deker and I were playing around today (Friday) after lunch and Keagan decided he wanted to be rolled into my I did. He wanted me to carry him around, but he was kind of heavy like that. Here is my cute little Keagan Krispito.

1 comment:

Caprene said...

I"m glad you are still getting good use out of my aunt's sugar cookie recipe. It's soooo yummy!
Looks like you're having a really fun Valentine's week.