Thursday, September 25, 2008
Happy 4th Anniversary
I am grateful to Andrew for all that he does for me. Here is to another great 4 years.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Car problems
Of course since Andrew is in the garage, Keagan had to be in the garage as well. The first time I went out to see how they were doing, I noticed that when Andrew would put a tool down, Keagan would try to take it. So I told Andrew to go get his tool box. He runs upstairs, gets his toolbox and then here is a picture of what I see next.

I have to preface the next part of this post by saying that I am not very experienced at driving a stick shift vehicle. Andrew taught me how when I was pregnant with Keagan and the Saturn we were driving needed to be in the shop for a few days and I needed to drive Andrew's car so I could get to work and back. Since then, I have only driven Andrew's car a couple of times and I am not very good at it.
Since our Van has been out of commission this weekend, we have been driving around in Andrew's little 2 door ford aspire. Well, this morning, Andrew had to go finish up a painting job and I really wanted to take Keagan to the library to a Music and Movement time they do for kids. Before Andrew left for work, he pulled the car out of the garage to make it a little easier for me. So, I load the three of us up in the car and hope that I can make it to the Library (only 2 miles away) without to much mishaps. I turn the car on and proceed to attempt to get the car moving. I was able to get it moving, but it was pretty jerky when I hear from my peanut gallery in the back (Keagan) say something like "whoa, broken". I just had to laugh that even he my 2 year-old knew this wasn't how it was supposed to go. As you can imagine, when I told Andrew about this, that he had quite the laugh too.
Silly Kids
Then another morning last week, they were both up when I started to make breakfast. I put Deker in the swing and then went into the kitchen. After a moment I hear Keagan say "Numbers, Deker. Deker, Numbers" over and over. I look in the living room and Keagan is standing in front of the swing holding a numbers book in front of him showing and telling him what the book was. I wish I could have gotten the camera out fast enough to take a little DVD of it.
This morning, after we were all dressed, Keagan wanted to hold Deker. Once he got on the couch, he decided that he wanted Deker to sit beside him. I decided to get the camera a take some pictures of my cute boys.

Eastern Idaho

Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Did I raise him to be too strong?
Kids say the craziest things
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Deker's Blessing Weekend - Friday
On Friday morning we took her up to Tablerock to see the city. Then on Friday afternoon my sister Marie, her husband, Joe, and their 5 kids arrived in Boise. Keagan really enjoyed playing with all of his cousins, including his twin cousins, Brenna & Braelynn that are only 9 days younger than him. After we had dinner, we all went to pick black raspberries by the river in Kuna. The kids had fun picking and eating the berries and climbing on the ladders. Then Vera took us out for ice cream.

Deker's Blessing Weekend - Saturday
That afternoon, the rest of my family got into town and we had a BBQ with my family. After the BBQ, we took the opportunity of having all of my family in town and got a profession family picture taken. It is always a chore to get that many people (25 people) all together and ready for a picture, but somehow we managed it. We also had cake for Vera's birthday (even though it wasn't for another week). My sister-in-law, Melissa found Vera's favorite cake (one that my grandma used to make) and made it for her.
Deker's Blessing Weekend - Sunday
Afterwards, we had our family & friends over for a luncheon (If I counted right, we had around 55 people here). We enjoyed having everyone in our home eating and talking. I would like to give a really big THANK YOU to my mom & dad and my siblings Vera, Marie, Alma, Cory, Jeanette & Neal and their spouses and Andrew's brother David & his wife Leah for all that they did to help in setting everything up and then cleaning up afterwards.