Now, about the subject of this post. Every year at the end of January/beginning of February McCall (a small town up in the mountains north of Boise) hosts their annual Winter Carnival. Andrew and I have been a couple of times, but we haven't been for 3 years. Well, this year we decided we were definitely going to be going. So on Saturday morning we had breakfast at home, packed a lunch, put all of our coats, hats, mittens, boots, etc. in the van and headed up the mountain prepared for a fun day of seeing fun snow & ice sculptures.
It is about a 2 hour drive up the mountain. After a little while, I put in a Thomas & Friends DVD for Keagan to watch and Deker ended up falling asleep (which is really unusual for him). About an hour or so into our drive, I hear some funny noises from Keagan I ask him if he is OK and he tells me yes. A couple of minutes later, I hear it again look back at him and he has a little bit of vomit in his hand. I tell Andrew to pull over, Andrew gets out, cleans him up (thank goodness is just a little bit). While we were stopped, Deker woke up which is not a big deal.
We get back on the road. I turn off the cartoons and tell Keagan he needs to look out at the road because I think he is getting car sick. Fast forward to about 15 minutes later (we are now about 30 minutes away from our destination), and I hear some more funny noises from the back. Ask Keagan if he is OK, he tells me yes. Then I hear that awful noise of somebody throwing up, I say to Andrew "Keagan threw up again", he looks at Keagan (he can see him better) and Andrew says "No he didn't". So I look back and my eyes come upon Deker with vomit all over him, then I hear the noise again, Look at Keagan and he has vomit all over him. I tell/yell and Andrew to pull over NOW. Again, thank goodness we were right at a turn off. I get out of the van, try to help and immediately have to walk a good 5-10 feet AWAY from the Van and tell Andrew, "I am so sorry, but I can't help you right now."
So, poor Andrew has two boys who have vomit all over them and their blankets (aka their security) and a pregnant wife who can't handle the smell and is as far away as possible. While Andrew is getting the boys and their car seats cleaned up as best as possible with a few dozen wipes, I made two attempts to help him, both times I get kind of close and immediately have to back away again. Because this was a day trip, I didn't think about bringing any extra clothes for the boys. I found a pair of pants back from when we potty trained Keagan that Deker could wear and and pair of Andrew's old pajama pants that we put on Keagan just so he didn't have to sit in his underwear the entire way home.
After they are as cleaned up as we can get them, Andrew put them in their car seats with no shirts and makeshift pants and clean blankets which we happened to have in the back. Thank goodness I had some plastic grocery sacks in the back which I was supposed to recycle at the store which Andrew was able to put all their clothes and blankets in.
So, with about 30 minutes left until we get to our destination, we have to turn around and head back home because we had no extra clothes for the boys. We were worried about the boys throwing up again on the way home, but thank goodness both boys immediately fell asleep and didn't wake up until we were done with all the windy roads.
We get home, eat the lunch we had intended to eat in McCall, put the boys in the tub and then figure out another way to make this day fun. We figure for some reason, the boys got car sick (which they have never done before) because they were just fine the rest of the day.
Unfortuately for us, instead of seeing This....We got to head back home with boys who looked like this...
Sorry to hear about your crazy day! David has been sick, but at least I don't have to clean up his puke, right? Anyway, thanks for the recipe! I think this Saturday will be the day to try you guys!
I am so sorry. That was definitely the fun filled family adventure you were dreaming of.
I am laughing and crying so hard right now for so many reasons. #1. Logan used to do that way too often so I totally know how you feel(which makes me cry for you, but also laugh a little). #2. I feel so bad for Andrew cause Tom has been in that exact same situation(which makes me cry, and laugh a little). #3. I am so sad that you had to turn around! What a sad ending(which only makes me cry)! So if you count it up I did cry more than I laughed which stops me from being a bad friend right?
You are a great guy, Andrew! Kudos!!
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