I had a great conversation with Keagan earlier this week, but first I need to give a little background. I have had a really bad cold/flu this week. I woke up on Monday morning with just a scratchy voice which I didn't think much of, but by the time Andrew went to work at 12:30 that afternoon, I was feeling really sick. When Andrew was getting ready to leave I was sitting on the couch wrapped in a blanket feeling really cold and with my body aching. Just after Andrew left Keagan came over and asked me if he could sit on my lap under the blanket I told him not right now because I didn't feel good, here is how the rest of the conversation went:
Keagan: What does that mean?
Me: It means that my body hurts.
Keagan: Where?
Me: All over, my whole body.
Keagan: Mommy need to go poo poo?
Me: No, I don't need to go poo poo.
Keagan: Mommy need go tinkle?
Me: No, I don't need to go tinkle?
Keagan: Mommy need tickles?
Me: No, I don't need tickles. Do you need tickles?
Keagan: No...(keagan thinks for a moment)...Mommy need candy?
It brought a huge smile to my face and I immediately wrote it down an a peice of paper so that I could remember it and put in on our blog when I had the chance.
I am feeling a little better today which is a huge blessing. Andrew has been working super long hours this week (Monday from 12:30 -10:30pm, Tuesday from 5 am to 9 pm, Wednesday from 5 am to 7 pm, then today, Thursday, he left at 5 am again) so its been challenge taking care of the boys while being really sick. It sure does make me appreciate my good health.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
A Beautiful Day
We had some very nice weather last week and we really enjoyed being able to play outside a lot. Unfortunately, Friday was the last day of the nice weather and it has been cold, windy and sometimes rainy since then, but at least we were able to have a taste of what spring could be like.
On Thursday (last week) I went down to a kids consignment sale called Moppet Togs (it is held twice a year). I had heard that they only take stuff that is in really good condition, has no stains or holes, so I decided to head down there on the first day. I was really glad that I did, because I got a lot of really great clothes for the boys for the summer. I found out that on Saturday (the last day it was open) some of their stuff was half off, so Andrew went down with us again on Saturday and got a few more things. Between the two days, we were able to get lots of great clothes and some fun toys for really cheep.
On Friday I was getting the boys dressed and saw the great clothes that I got the day before and decided to dress them in their new clothes. After Keagan put his shirt on, he said that it was a "pretty shirt". All day long, he was only too happy to show people his "pretty shirt". They looked so handsome, I couldn't resist taking some pictures of them. This picture of Deker is the first time that I have been able to get Deker to really smile for the camera.

It has been way too long since I posted anything on our blog! Andrew has been working a ton, so usually it is just me and the boys and I haven't had a lot of time to post things on our blog. So, here are a few highlights of what's been going on in our house.
When we are eating our meals, Deker usually gets done eating first because he doesn't have any patience yet. After we feed him we will give him cherrios, graham crackers or a biscut to munch on while we finish eating. Here is a fun picture of Deker while he is eating a teething biscut.
One morning a few weeks ago, Keagan told me that he was tired so I asked him if he wanted to go to bed and take a nap, he said no (of course), so I then asked him if he wanted to lay on the blue chair and he thought that would be a "great idea". I helped him get situated with a pillow and a blanket. Here is the cute little boy, all snuggled in.
While Keagan was laying on the couch, Deker was laying on the ground playing with toys while I was getting some stuff done. A little later, I hear Keagan talking about Deker being under the coffee table. I look over in time to see Keagan crawl under the coffee table with Deker and start playing with him. I am really glad that I was able to get the camera out fast enough to get some pictures taken before they stopped.

It is stuff like this that make me so grateful that they like each other. Every time I see them do stuff like this, when I see Deker light up just because Keagan walked in the room or when Keagan makes sure that Deker has toys or anything else it makes me so happy and gives me hope that they will continue to be good friends.
When we are eating our meals, Deker usually gets done eating first because he doesn't have any patience yet. After we feed him we will give him cherrios, graham crackers or a biscut to munch on while we finish eating. Here is a fun picture of Deker while he is eating a teething biscut.

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