Last night was our ward's Trunk or Treat. It started off with a yummy Soup and Pie cook-off (we won the prize for the best pie...Recipe coming soon to
Smithalicious). After eating, everyone went outside to Trick or treat at each car. We all had a great time. Here are the pictures of our costumes. If you look closely at my costume you will see the announcement we made last night.
Here is Deker as our cute little White Tiger. He wasn't a huge fan of the hood and kept taking it off.

Here is Keagan as "Mr. Giraffe". Last night, we put Keagan's costume on and then I said "Keagan, go upstairs and get some socks". He said "I'm Mr. Giraffe". I then had to say "Mr. Giraffe, go upstairs and get some socks". To which he then said "O.K." It was like that with everything.
Here is Andrew all dressed up as Spaghetti & Meatballs and ready to give out Candy to the Trunk or Treater's.

Here is a picture of the whole family.