Sunday, September 6, 2009

To the Zoo

This past Friday, Andrew was driving truck for the company he works for (they are helping him get is CDL so that he can start driving full time). Because he was going to be gone all morning & afternoon, I decided to take the boys to the Zoo. We haven't been in a really long time and both boys really enjoyed it. We walked around for a while, then sat and ate the lunch that we brought with us and then finished seeing all the animals. For the fun of it, we wandered into the gift shop at the end and Keagan kept asking if he could have different stuffed animals. The one that has the hardest to say no to was when he picked up the Penquin and said "This Penquin needs to come home with me!".

We had a lot of fun being outside and looking at all the animals. Because Keagan has been into Giraffe's lately, that was his favorite part. Deker's favorite part was anytime I took him out of the stroller and he could try out his new walking skills. Keagan has so much fun, that on Saturday morning when we asked him what he wanted to do that day, he said "Go to the Zoo!".

I haven't yet figured out how to take pictures when I am on outings with the boys. Any tips on keeping both boys together, getting the camera out and getting them to look at you all at the same time would be greatly appreciated. Here are the few that I got of them looking at the camera.


Shannon said...

Cute pictures. Tips? Umm...pray? With my two boys it's just hit and miss. You also just learn to accept that they won't always be looking at the camera at the same time and those pictures will do or can be just as adorable.

Dangela said...

Cute pictures! It looks like a fun day--you are so good with the boys. You always have such fun activities to do with them.


SOS, APPEL AUX DONS DE LA FONDATION LOUIS-PRISQUE - Il est de notoriété publique qu’après les crises sociopolitiques qui ont secoué le Congo notre pays, les plus affectés étaient et restent les enfants, les femmes et personnes âgées avec comme prime « les enfants de la rue » et les « Enfant Orphelins démunis ».
Ainsi donc, la Fondation Louis-Prisque ayant observée le phénomène ne peut rester insensible à la douleur de tout un peuple. L’avenir d’un peuple ou d’un pays étant sur ses enfants, il est impératif de juguler le mal avant qu’il ne devienne irréversible. Il est temps que la solidarité humaine tant nationale qu’internationale se manifeste à l’endroit de ces couches sociales de notre pays comme nous recommande l’ONU sur ses objectifs du millénaire visant à réduire la pauvreté d’ici l’an 2015.
La Fondation Louis-Prisque, se fait le devoir de faire un plaidoyer auprès de tout bailleur, institution humanitaire et personne sensible afin de briser le silence assourdissant pour la cause de ces enfants vulnérables car, sauver ces enfants c’est apporter une solution au problème du développement du Congo en particulier et de l’Afrique en général. Plus d'infos: